With warmer weather melting snow, the ground is beginning to reveal the potential for new growth, new colours, and a refreshing break from the winter blues. Dealing with spring cleaning, whether it be indoors or outdoors can be a seemingly overwhelming task with dusting, painting, organizing, planting, and much more. However, we too often forget the fun times spring presents for kids. Puddle jumping, bike rides, sports, and sunshine are a few of the favourites, and let’s not forget, it is getting the kids out of the house. Win-Win!
Remember the days when you were a child and happened across those “beautiful yellow flowers” that appeared every spring which you truly believed were the most beautiful plants you could lay your eyes on, brought a bouquet to your mom, and felt that surely she would love them too? Of course, as you grew up you realized those over-populated yellow treasures were a weed, but we know that children enjoy them and you can’t deny how cute a child is when they bring you a big bouquet of dandelions. Kids love them, and as far as weeds go, they are some of the prettiest, and make for impressive, fun, and adorable photos.
This month we are offering a promo for dandelion mini sessions….. Only $99 includes an 8×10 and 2 5×7 prints of your favourite image! If you are interested in one of these sessions please give Jana a call as soon as possible at 403 451 9769.
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