If you were privileged to grow up with a great father, you know how important he was as a role model in your life. From teaching you how to ride a bike, to catching a baseball, to helping you with your homework, you know that you would not have developed into the person you are today without him. Throughout your teen years you may have felt that your dad was just someone to discipline you and assign a curfew; however, you soon realize later on how important his instructions were to help guide you through life. His kind words of wisdom and encouragement, as well as his friendship, will stay with you for many years. Even if you did not grow up in a home with a dad, it is likely that you knew someone who you considered to take on that role in your life.
Take time to celebrate your dad on June 15th for Father’s Day; he deserves it. If you are married with children, take some time to spend together as a family doing things that your husband enjoys. Some of the best times spent together with family are for occasions such as Father’s Day when quite often a number of immediate and extended family get together to not only celebrate Father’s Day, but to kick-off summer as well. Precious moments that you spend with your dad, or that your kids spend with their dad, are cherished memories. Too often we forget to preserve those memories and later on regret that we didn’t take action. This Father’s Day, take time to gather your family together for some Father’s Day photos; I guarantee you will not regret the memories you capture. Formal pictures are great, but don’t forget that photos can be fun! Have some pictures taken by a professional photographer while doing the things your dad and family loves.
Check out this site for some Father’s Day photo ideas.
Book your Father’s Day photos today to preserve precious memories with your dad! Email Jana at info@mikophotography.com or call 403-451-9769
It’s that time of year where friends and family gather together to celebrate the accomplishment of completing 12 years of schooling. A very rewarding goal has been reached, and it is worth celebrating! Your daughter has found the dress that suits her personality to a ‘T’ and she can’t wait to wear it; or maybe your son has picked out a tux that enhances his handsome features. Either way, graduation is a very special time for both parents and children.
Graduation is a significant occasion that you will want to remember; why not capture those memories? Some of the best portraits that parents can show off in their home are those pictures of a graduated child. It is not every day that your son or daughter will be dressed up, and it is certainly not every day that an accomplishment such as this will be achieved. Book with Miko Photography today to have pre-graduation photos (before the day of graduation), or graduation photos the day of their actual grad. Best of all, your friends and family will be there, so it is a great time for a family photo! Your kids will also want photos with friends to cherish this special day. Collaborate with some other moms and we can do a group photo shoot indoors or outdoors!
Book your graduation photos by calling 403-451-9769 or email info@mikophotography.com
With warmer weather melting snow, the ground is beginning to reveal the potential for new growth, new colours, and a refreshing break from the winter blues. Dealing with spring cleaning, whether it be indoors or outdoors can be a seemingly overwhelming task with dusting, painting, organizing, planting, and much more. However, we too often forget the fun times spring presents for kids. Puddle jumping, bike rides, sports, and sunshine are a few of the favourites, and let’s not forget, it is getting the kids out of the house. Win-Win!
Remember the days when you were a child and happened across those “beautiful yellow flowers” that appeared every spring which you truly believed were the most beautiful plants you could lay your eyes on, brought a bouquet to your mom, and felt that surely she would love them too? Of course, as you grew up you realized those over-populated yellow treasures were a weed, but we know that children enjoy them and you can’t deny how cute a child is when they bring you a big bouquet of dandelions. Kids love them, and as far as weeds go, they are some of the prettiest, and make for impressive, fun, and adorable photos.
This month we are offering a promo for dandelion mini sessions….. Only $99 includes an 8×10 and 2 5×7 prints of your favourite image! If you are interested in one of these sessions please give Jana a call as soon as possible at 403 451 9769.